Monday, April 27, 2009

A bird nest with hairspray

Someone told me this was the year of curly hair. 

Oh really?

Even though my curly hair makes me crazy, I do like the idea of just "going curly" for a while. (Since only my friends and family ready my blog, I don't really need to clarify that I have full time curly hair that I (part time) wear straight. It makes me feel sane.) 

Yes, that means I should probably wear a name tag for the next few weeks of the curly hair trial so as to not confuse anyone. Yes, its probably best to simplify my outfits so my bigger than Texas hair doesn't overwhelm my whole being.   Yes, I need to be ready to always feel just a little out of control. But I think it could be fun!

So. Until my sister's college graduation in May, I'll be sporting  the Elaine, from Sienfeld, do. 
Ready yourselves.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Country Mouse in the City

Ivy, my best friend circa Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2002, and her boyfriend Drew, came to visit!! Ivy has been coming to New York since the 2nd grade and is ridiculously savy when it comes to Manhattan experiences, directions and sweet treats!  This, on the other hand, was Drew's first trip to Manhattan. He was a trooper and endured extensive leopard pashmina searching, many many desserts and lots of girly uncontrollable laughter. 

I couldn't resist parading this adorable picture around to 13auburnfriends and guests. 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Brown Bag Lunch

What did your mom pack in your school lunches when you were little?

I remember what my mom used to pack....

Middle School. Every lunch period was the same. I would sit down with my friends at a portable table with attached plastic seats, trying to ignore the school cafeteria smell. I would get out my rumpled brown paper sack and wonder what in the world I would find today. More often that not, I would find this:

A Hot Dog (with ketchup) wrapped in foil
A Can of Pepsi
A Bag of Nacho Doritos

For some reason, I was so embarrassed by this lunch! Don't know if it was the fact that I actually liked hot dogs or that they were wrapped in foil! Why not a pizza lunchable like the other kids??

In hindsight, that was a ridiculously cool lunch!! Seriously? My mom packed Hot Dogs and Pepsi?? What more could a squirty little 6th grader with frizzy curly hair want??
At the time, I had very different ideas of what my lunch should be.

So today, in the spirit of 6th grade and my mom, I packed 2 hot dogs, wrapped them in foil, and grabbed a Pepsi from the drug store.

What a perfect lunch.

Friday, April 3, 2009


13auburnfriends. This is what we call ourselves. 
Cliche, I know. 
13 seems a bit much. I know. 
What can you do? There are 13 of us. And we are best friends from college. 

Under the 13auburnfriends title we have:  people from Alabama, Georgia & Texas, one shaved head, a Carnival Glory Dance Champion, handful of homecoming queens, academics, a border line "little person", painters, two ridiculously talented musicians, teachers, pharmacists, physical therapists, loud talkers, soft speakers, liberals, Mexican's, wedding cake bakers, a lot of crazy dancers, small town spunk, pro road trippers, wine drinkers, practical jokers, one government employee, some seriously big hair, story tellers, uninhibited laughers.......well, you get the idea.

Through crazy circumstances, we all came to know each other at Auburn University.  Our time in college has come and gone. Despite being spread out all over the country, our friendships remain unchanged. Wait. I take that back. Our friendships have changed. How is it that our friendships are more hearty, authentic and colorful now? Almost 2 years after college?

We put together a little video for one of the 13auburnfriends and her family and sent it to her on a particular day that needed a little sparkle.  

Hope you like it. We think we are hilarious.