Thursday, April 9, 2009

Brown Bag Lunch

What did your mom pack in your school lunches when you were little?

I remember what my mom used to pack....

Middle School. Every lunch period was the same. I would sit down with my friends at a portable table with attached plastic seats, trying to ignore the school cafeteria smell. I would get out my rumpled brown paper sack and wonder what in the world I would find today. More often that not, I would find this:

A Hot Dog (with ketchup) wrapped in foil
A Can of Pepsi
A Bag of Nacho Doritos

For some reason, I was so embarrassed by this lunch! Don't know if it was the fact that I actually liked hot dogs or that they were wrapped in foil! Why not a pizza lunchable like the other kids??

In hindsight, that was a ridiculously cool lunch!! Seriously? My mom packed Hot Dogs and Pepsi?? What more could a squirty little 6th grader with frizzy curly hair want??
At the time, I had very different ideas of what my lunch should be.

So today, in the spirit of 6th grade and my mom, I packed 2 hot dogs, wrapped them in foil, and grabbed a Pepsi from the drug store.

What a perfect lunch.

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