Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Joe: The Super

 I rode the elevator with our Yugoslavian super this morning. What a treat. Its amazing what you can talk about in the span of 9 floors. Jamie, one of the roommates, had a similar exchange with Joe the other day.

Joe: Good Morning Hannah .
Me: Hey Joe! How are you?
Joe: Hannah. When you get mavied?
Me: Do what?
Joe: When you get mavried?
Me: Oh, married!  I don't know Joe. We are working on it!
Joe: Well good. Don't get too late. (Translation: Don't get old.)
Me: Ha. Well, I will try to get on it. You know LindsayAnn has a boyfriend, don't you? 
Joe: Good! Don't get too jealous! Haa haaaa.
Why you not have boyfriend?
Me: I have no idea Joe. 
Joe: You all such beautiful girls. Why not?
Me: We aren't sure Joe. You know anyone we could date?
Joe: Oh hahaaa. No no... Have a good day!

Its endearing that Joe, our super, is so concerned over Apartment 9A's singleness. 

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