Yesterday, I heard a friend talking about going to get coffee with some guy.
Should she go? Should she not go?
Such a quandry.
I start to think, why am I not getting any random coffee date proposals?
Oh well, fleeting thought. No point in dwelling on something that didn't happen.
That brings us to today.
I'm heading to work. I get off the subway at my normal stop. I begin the three flight climb up to the world.
For some reason I am the only one taking the stairs instead of the escalator.
Wait, not the only one. I have a buddy.
I'm wearing heels, so this guy (who is walking right next to me in the wide open flight of stairs) is about my height. Businessy looking. Not bad looking, just not so much dateable. . .
Flight One.
"Seems that we are the only ones doing the stairs today", he says.
Haaa, seems like it.
"I guess no one else wanted to get the exercise!"
Haa, guess not.
Flight Two.
"Hey, I'm Joseph."
Uh, hey.
"Where are you from originally?"
Dallas. You?
"Is that a 214 area code?"
Haa, uh yea. (Freak)
Flight Three.
"What do you do?"
I'm in advertising. You?
"Hedge funds. You familiar with that?"
(I live in New York, of course I know what hedge funds are.)
Yea, vaguely.
"Well, I would love to explain it to you over drinks."
Haaaa, whoaa smooth. (which I actually say to him)
"Hahaaa, here you go. (as he hands me his card.) See you around!"
Bahaaaa haaaaaaa. Did that just happen?
I make it to the office and sit down at my desk. Let see what his card said.
Managing Director and CEO
Oh my.
I doubt he is older than I am!
And to think, I could be dating a CEO!
Current Obsessions: Sleeping In
17 hours ago